It’s Your Decision
We all have to two choices: Do what you love or love what you do.
If you don’t have the courage to do what you love, than you have to figure out how to love what you do. Both are hard. You might as well do what you love. Complaining without action is just whining. What are you going to DO today? Action resolves the paradox you are complaining about. It doesn’t get resolved by thinking, whining, self pity, wishing, or wanting. The resolution requires ACTION.
The only way OUT is THROUGH.
Succinct as usual Mattison. “The only way OUT is THROUGH” are words I will share with my daughter on her 18th birthday coming up in just a few short weeks. On her 16th birthday I gave her a ring inscribed with the words, “Live Life. Be Brave.”
Hi Grey:
I agree completely. Taking action creates miracles, loving yourself and other opportunities.
A simple and itenllginet point, well made. Thanks!
Thanks Kim.