Mattison on the Women in Confidence Podcast
Mattison Grey was the guest on the May 9, 2023, episode of Vanessa Murphy’s Women in Confidence podcast. Mattison and Vanessa discussed the art and science of human performance and coaching and the motivation myth.
What participants are saying about Coaching Tools for Leaders
“A fresh, new approach that focused on skills and tools…
American Rugby Pro Training Center Has Undefeated Season, Wins National Championship, with Help from Houston Leadership and Performance Specialist Mattison Grey
When the American Rugby Pro Training Center in Little Rock, Arkansas…
Something Borrowed
Do you borrow things from others? It’s a cool thing. They have something we need temporarily, they are willing to let us use it, and we agree to give it back in the same condition that we received it. I don’t know about you, but letting others borrow my things makes me feel good,
You Can’t Policy Performance
Oh, I know, it sure would be nice if we could, and boy do we try, but when we use policies to try to improve performance it almost always backfires. Why?
Take that!
Is it sometimes difficult for you to "take a compliment"? Do you cringe a little when you get praised? Well, you are not alone in being uncomfortable accepting compliments, praise, appreciation and thank you, and there’s a good reason why.
When “Don’t Quit” Doesn’t Work
Quite often I hear people say some pretty silly stuff. Stuff that often makes sense on the surface, but when you really think about it, doesn’t make much sense at all, "don't quit" is one of them.
Careful What You Ask For…
If you are growing or running a business (or career) that doesn’t thoroughly light you up...
Starbucks Kills Kindness
In recent months it’s become popular for people to “pay it forward” and pay for a strangers purchases at coffee shops, grocery stores and restaurants. In the US we have come love these random acts of kindness.
The Choice IS Yours
How many times in the recent past have you or someone around you said, “I have no choice.”? I have been hearing it quite a bit recently, and it is driving me crazy.