Better coaching tools create better leaders.
The next public session of Leaderbuild—Coaching Tools for Leaders begins Tuesday, February 21, 2023.
What do you want? I know it’s not another boring, ineffective leadership course!
Have you ever attended a course that was exciting for a short period of time, only to discover there were no lasting effects? You likely fell right back into the same mood and motivations—or lack of motivations—that you had before you attended.
We’ve all suffered through those typical training experiences. This isn’t one of those courses. This course will change your life.
The only way to create long-term high performance is through receptivity, connection, and inspiration. But inspiring, connected, balanced leaders are rare.
Coaches and leaders in business, athletics, nonprofits, and education will gain access through this course to robust tools with the potential to build motivation, receptivity, and productive partnerships with other individuals.
You’ll learn to read the blueprint of another human being, connect in a way that creates confidence and receptivity, and cultivate experiences that allows people to do their best work. You’ll finish the course with six of the most powerful coaching tools on the planet, presented in a way that you can easily and immediately apply them to your unique situation.
ScheduleNine group sessions (~16 hours): |
Six Tuesdays: | February 21–April 4, 2023* 9:30–11:45 a.m.** *Skips March 14 |
Three Fridays: | February 24, March 10, and March 31, 2023 9:30–10:45 a.m. |
Optional coaching triads: |