Mattison on the Women in Confidence Podcast
Mattison Grey was the guest on the May 9, 2023, episode of Vanessa Murphy’s Women in Confidence podcast. Mattison and Vanessa discussed the art and science of human performance and coaching and the motivation myth.
Go out and Fail…Please
Cirque du Soleil has a secret, and it’s big.
It is that the performers are failures. They fail consistently, every day, every show, sometimes every minute.
Every performer, every day—failure.
Quit Crediting Yourself
As a coach I get many opportunities to help people be successful. I also have a front row seat to many failures. Many people tend to blame others for their failure; others will blame themselves for their failure. There are all kinds of scenarios for people taking credit and placing blame for success and failure.
The Problem of Positive Thinking
One of the biggest myths of high performance is that positive thinking is a positive thing.
While it might get you to mediocrity, positive thinking often gets in the way of high performers…